What Makes Vital ACS So Great?

It’s true, Vital ACS is sleek and easy to use. Still, it was developed with the unique needs of Adult Homes, Enriched Housing, and Assisted Living Programs in mind, Vital ACS includes the functionality and features exclusive to these vital programs.

Vital ACS was created by a team of health care professionals like you. We not only developed the software, but we have deployed it to our affiliates who use it every day for their adult care services.

Manage Your Team
  • Shift Management
  • Daily Census
  • Aide Dashboard
  • Aide Care Documentation
  • Assign Missed Documentation
  • Med Tech Dashboard
  • Alert/Notification System
  • Track UAS

Vital ACS Helps You Seamlessly Manage Your Team

Vital ACS features include many useful tools to help your organization stay on top of important tasks. The application was designed to be intuitive and easy to use.

Vital ACS Features Med Pass Computer

Shift Management

Get a bird’s-eye view of your operation and make strategic decisions based on the patient care needs.

Aide Dashboard

Keep tabs on which care plans need to be approved at the click of a button. With Vital ACS, it’s easy to manage & review all the resident care plans.

Med Tech Dashboard

Easily manage & review all the resident medication needs.

Electronic 24-hour Report

Easy and accessible 24-hour shift report. Automatically enters care plan changes and medication changes to report.

Track UAS

Get notifications when the UAS and six-month assessment notes are due.

Daily Census

Daily census at your fingertips. You’ll have insights into whether the patient is present in your facility or the hospital.

Assign Missed Documentation

Easily track documentation that has been missed or incomplete for residents.

Aide Care Documentation

Assign and document tasks completed by aides for your residents. Manage refusals and missed documentation with ease.

Alerts From Aides

Creates alerts for nurses from aides for care plan management.

Track Aide Supervisions

Get alerts when employees are due for supervisions and evaluations.

RN Documentation Reminders

Create personal reminders to ensure follow through and timely resident care.

Manage Your Residents
  • Manage Preadmissions
  • Manage Inactive/Holds
  • Shift Tasks/Interventions
  • Care Plans
  • Manage Medications
  • Demographic Management
  • Health Provider Management
  • Contact Management
  • Document Storage
  • Nursing Notes
  • DOH Required Forms

Let Vital ACS Help You Manage The Resident Census

Vital ACS includes many useful tools to help your organization manage your resident census. The application was designed to be intuitive and easy to use.

Vital ACS Features Assisted Living Computer With Care Plan

Manage Preadmissions

Easily manage your pre-admissions in clear and intuitive ways. Get your meds, orders, and demographics in before your new admission arrives.

Shift Tasks/Interventions

Vital ACS includes an intuitive and easy toolset to help your organization manage and track shift tasks and interventions for your resident census.

Demographic Management

Create DOH Face Sheets and update additional contacts and physicians.

Contact Management

Vital ACS makes it simple to manage all the contacts for every resident across a variety of areas from medical providers to hospitals.

Document Storage

If your organization needs a reliable and secure option for storing resident documents, Vital ACS comes built-in with a document file cabinet feature.

Nursing Notes

Create nursing progress, admission, and six-month notes that are easy to read and print out for review.

DOH Required Forms

Auto-generated DOH forms required for your residents.

Manage Inactive/Holds

Check the status of your inactive and resident holds at any time with the click of a button.

Care Plans

Vital ACS includes an easy-to-use toolset for creating and managing care plans. Electronic care plans that generate tasks for your Home Health Aides to complete. Easily duplicate, sign, and approved care plans for your residents.

Manage Medications

If you need to track and manage resident medications, Vital ACS has the tools you need! Create your own medication administration record each month. Keeping a clean and simple medication list reduces your risk for medication errors! 

Health Provider Management

Manage and track health providers with intuitive and easy-to-use tools.

Resident Interventions

Create nursing interventions for your aides to do each shift to ensure your residents get the best possible care.


Track diets, weights, admission/discharge roster, medical equipment, falls, and much more.

  • All Resident Reports
  • Individualized Reports

Rich Reporting

Vital ACS features many reports that help you stay compliant and make decisions quickly and effectively.

Report Computer

All Resident Reports

  • Daily Resident Census
  • All Residents MAR
  • All Residents PRN MAR
  • Blank MAR
  • Blank PRN MAR
  • Blank Medical Evaluation Form
  • Age Groups
  • Six-Month Notes Due
  • Med Cert Tasks
  • Refused Tasks / Interventions
  • Monthly Weights
  • Medication Intake Types | Specific Types
  • UAS Evaluations Due
  • Medical Evaluations Due
  • Residents with Electric Beds
  • Specific Medical Equipment
  • Diet Orders
  • Shower / Bed Strips
  • Resident Roster Specific Needs
  • Admission Discharge Roster
  • Incident Report Log
  • Regenerate Forms
  • Delayed Tasks / Interventions
  • Resident Falls
  • 24 Hour Report

Individualized Reports

  • Personal Data Sheet
  • MAR
  • PRN MAR / Blank PRN Log Sheet
  • Other Health Providers
  • Resident Transfer Form
  • Annual Medical Evaluation
  • Medication List
  • Mental Health Evaluation
  • Medical Consult Form
  • Meal Monitoring
  • Completed Tasks / Interventions / Specific Tasks / Interventions
  • Yearly Weights
  • Medical Equipment
Trusted Security
  • AWS For HIPAA Compliance
  • AWS For SOC2 Compliance

AWS For HIPAA Compliance

Vital ACS is backed by AWS’ HIPAA-designated hosting services and environment, which is designed in alignment with HIPAA compliance requirements. Among other safeguards, the AWS technology encrypts protected health information (PHI) from browser to storage. All PHI that we store remains in AWS servers located within the United States.


AWS For SOC2 Compliance

Based on AWS’ HIPAA-designated hosting services and environment, Vital ACS is designed, secured, and managed in accordance with industry standards consistent with SOC2 controls and criteria. The AWS technology infrastructure has multiple layers of operational and physical security for the safeguarding of protected health information. For continuity, we deploy AWS-based backup/redundancy measures and have disaster recovery plans in place.

SOC2 Compliance Logo
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SOC2 Compliance Logo
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Tel:  917-672-8472
Personal information is collected in accordance with our Privacy Policy.